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Beat Insomnia By Lifting Weights!

Getting good-quality sleep on a regular basis can prove particularly elusive for people above a certain age, with chronic health conditions affecting rest, as well as certain medications, sleep disorders (which can be more common as we get older), mental health concerns and so on.

However, if you have been experiencing insomnia of late, you might be able to address your symptoms effectively through resistance training and muscle-strengthening exercises.

New research from the Mahidol University Faculty of Medicine in Bangkok, reported on by the Independent, found that this type of exercise was successful at reducing sleeplessness in older people. Aerobic exercise such as cycling, swimming or brisk walking, and a mix of different forms of exercise could also help fight insomnia, but this was less effective.

Published in the Family Medicine and Community Health journal, the study observed that between 30 per cent and 48 per cent of older people have sleep concerns, with between 12 and 20 per cent dealing with actual insomnia.

It was noted that there is a strong body of evidence associating sleep deprivation with anxiety, depression and other such mental health conditions, as well as cognitive decline, prostate cancer, heart disease, metabolic syndrome and hypertension.

It was concluded that “exercise that strengthens muscles, rather than aerobic or combination exercises, is the most effective way to enhance sleep quality”.

Commenting on the findings, chief executive of trade body ukactive Huw Edwards said: “Physical activity has a huge role to play in our physical and mental health, with benefits such as better sleep, reduced stress and anxiety, and improved productivity, social connection and wellbeing.

“This study shows the essential role resistance training can play in tackling insomnia for older age groups, and we know that exercise not only supports quality sleep but that a good night’s sleep can help us feel better and be more productive the following day.”

Muscle-strengthening exercises

It’s never too late to start strength training and improving your muscle tone, with studies showing that the human body continues to be responsive to exercises dedicated to building muscle, no matter how old you are or when you start.

Many of these exercises can be done in the comfort of your own home, including chair squats, resistance band pulls, leg raises, wall press-ups, seated dumbbell pulls and pushes, toe taps and so on.

However, it’s not just about exercise and you can also help support muscle health through proper nutrition and hydration.

Where your diet is concerned, make sure that you get plenty of protein each day, as this will help drive muscle growth and repair, particularly after exercise. Good sources of protein include fish, poultry, nuts and beans, but it’s important to hit all the necessary food groups as vitamin deficiencies can also affect muscle growth and function.

If you’re not quite sure how to make the necessary changes to support good health and to get lots of good-quality sleep, you can always talk it through with your Concept Care team. Give us a call today!

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