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Common Sense: The Secret To Old Age!

Ageing, as they say, is a gift that’s denied to many and there are lots of ways in which we can maximise our chances of living to a ripe old age… following a healthy well-balanced diet, getting as much exercise as we can, prioritising good-quality sleep, maintaining social connections and so on.

But, apparently, it seems that there may be one approach that could really yield positive results – and that’s applying common sense!

This, according to 105-year-old Marjorie Rigby, is how she’s managed to surpass a century in this life, celebrating her recent milestone birthday by raising a glass of Bailey’s to toast with friends and family.

According to the BBC, Ms Rigby – from Dukinfield in Tameside, Greater Manchester – says she doesn’t feel any different now to how she felt when she was younger, with a life of keeping fit and enjoying lots of exercise outside the reason behind her impressive longevity.

She explained to the news source that there are no real secrets to getting older apart from common sense… and, given that she has five grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandaughter, it might perhaps be advisable to listen to her words of wisdom!

But, of course, it’s not all plain sailing and Ms Rigby – who worked as a plotter in the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force during the second world war – did say that while she doesn’t feel old within herself, she does feel it on a physical level.

“I don’t feel old, other than physically,” she explained to the news source. “I can’t do what I used to do and that’s the aggravating thing about growing old.”

Tips for managing a change in circumstances

This, no doubt, is something that many of us can relate to and it can be incredibly frustrating to feel restricted in this way, unable to move about as we once were able to.

Adapting to life with a disability or to changes in your physical capabilities as time goes on can be very difficult, but there are lots of ways in which you can help yourself cope with your new circumstances, overcoming the challenges you now face so that you can continue to enjoy a rewarding life.

Acceptance is key, of course, and if you refuse to accept the reality of your situation you won’t be able to move forward or make the necessary changes to bring happiness back to your life. Ignoring your feelings won’t help, so make sure that you give yourself time to grieve for the loss of your previous self.

Talking everything through with friends, family and your private nurse can be particularly beneficial. Pretending that you’re ok won’t be helpful in the long run so make sure you don’t bottle up your emotions, but get them out in the open so you can start working through your feelings.

Here at Concept Care, we’ve always got an open ear and are always happy to chat through anything, so don’t forget to give us a call if you feel you need some additional support.

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