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The Benefits of Regular Dog Walking For Older People!

One of the biggest fears that we have to face as we get older is slips, trips and falls, the most common reason for injury and hospitalisation among older people – and the most common cause of accidental death in later life!

To help reduce the risk of falls, it’s important to keep as active as possible so you can maintain good muscle and joint strength, as well as balance and flexibility, but it can often be quite difficult to find the motivation to start being more active… which is why you might want to consider getting yourself a four-legged friend to keep you company.

Why dogs are good for seniors!

New research from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing at Trinity College Dublin has revealed that regular dog walking (four times a week or more) is associated with reduced risk of falling, with dog walkers 40 per cent less likely to suffer an unexplained fall.

What’s more, people who walk their dogs regularly were also found to be 20 per cent less likely to have a fear of falling in the first place, with this worry a known factor in both mobility avoidance and diminished quality of life.

Lead author of the study Dr Eleanor Gallagher said: “Our findings highlight the value of regular dog walking as a simple and accessible activity that not only improves physical health but also has benefits for mental wellbeing and confidence among older adults.”

And, of course, it’s not just the physical benefits you’ll reap if you do welcome a dog in at home. Dogs make excellent companions and can help support your mental and emotional health and wellbeing, combating any feelings of isolation and loneliness you might be experiencing.

And let’s not forget that taking them out will also mean you’re getting a lot more fresh air than you might do otherwise!

Furthermore, you can also maintain social connections and make new ones if you have a dog – and there are sure to be lots of dog-walking groups in your local area that you could join in with.

What many older people choose to do is adopt or foster an older dog. These dogs are often left in the shelters because people are more interested in puppies or younger animals, but an older dog works well for seniors because their pace of life is similarly matched. 

Older dogs may also not need much training and are often more settled, so their care needs are not as intense as a puppy’s would be.

If you are thinking about bringing an older pooch into your home, do be mindful, however, that these animals may have specific health concerns or chronic conditions, so always make sure you pick an animal that fits in well with your own living situation and lifestyle.

Here at Concept Care, we’re always happy to talk through any potential changes to your life that you’re considering – so why not discuss your potential as a dog owner the next time your private nurse comes to visit.

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